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Here’s Why You Should Try Meditating in a Group

There’s power in numbers, especially when it comes to meditation.

What Actually Is Chair Yoga and How Do I Do It?

For a good yoga session, sometimes all you need is a chair.

The Best Ways to Store Produce in the Summer Months

Summertime means pool parties, extra PTO days, and all new fruits and veggies.

How to Feel Refreshed Before, During, and After a Long Flight

Have your body in tip-top shape when landing at your next destination.

I Can’t Stay Awake During Meditation. Help!

We talk to Aaptiv’s meditation trainers about how to stay awake and energized during your sessions.

The Basics of SPF and Sunscreen

Know what you’re picking up off the shelf, and if it’s the best choice for your skin.

Try These Dietitian-Approved Tips to Make Whole30 Easier

Make it easier to go through healthy lifestyle changes by following simple guidelines.

How Does the Stair Climber Compare to Regular Stairs?

The biggest differences to look out for when using the stair climber versus climbing traditional steps.

Autophagy 101: What Is It and Does My Body Need It?

How body cleansing can remove dangerous or damaged cells and lead to better overall health.

3 Ways Barre Work Can Improve Your Running Game

More than just a dancer’s workout, barre work has shown to improve a runner’s overall performance.

6 Reasons Runners Should Take Up Jump Rope

By adding jump rope into your cross-training routine, you’ll create a substantial list of benefits to help you on your next run.

6 Signs of Dehydration That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Listen to your body to see if you show any signs that you’re experiencing dehydration.


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