Here, fitness pros share some of the top exercises to prepare for pregnancy that they recommend their clients partake in before, during and after pregnancy.
New moms, this ones for you.
Make welcoming a child into the world a little bit easier with these preparations.
Here’s how you should modify your fitness routine in the third trimester.
Here’s how to modify your workouts as you enter trimester two.
With your doctor’s “okay,” you can continue exercising during your first trimester with these minor adjustments.
Learn how the physical changes of pregnancy can trigger foot pain, as well as tips you can use to manage and treat it.
Exercise throughout your pregnancy—the right way.
With proper treatment the condition doesn’t need to derail your exercise routine.
It’s not about how much you eat but what you eat.
Worried about what pregnancy will do to your body? You’re not alone.
Your pelvis is going through some changes—here's how to deal.
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