There are plenty of alternative exercises to running that give you the same cardiovascular benefits!
Cross-training with indoor cycling can provide a low-impact alternative that improves your running.
Cycling is a great outdoor activity that keeps you lean, fit, and happy. More than that, it’s a li...
Aaptiv Trainer John Thornhill explains why stretching is important and tells us how to do some of his favorites.
Get ready to hop on the bike and start pedaling.
Add power to your pedaling with these trainer-approved moves.
From seat height to body positioning, employ these expert tips during your next cycling class.
The indoor bike can be a useful tool for those looking to enhance their cycle training routines.
Learn why biking indoors is the best way to rehabilitate post-surgery.
Take indoor cycling up a notch with these tips and tricks.
Understand all the important terminology for your next indoor cycling class.
Cycling experts share their tried-and-true tips for relieving indoor cycling seat pain.
Welcome to the guidebook to your healthiest life. Aaptiv delivers the highest quality fitness and health information from personal trainers and industry experts. Subscribe now for a weekly dose of inspiration and education.