Being a fitness trainer is an increasingly popular job. In fact, employment of fitness trainers is expected to grow ten percent between 2016 and 2026 for a total of 30,100 new jobs, according to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics. Health and fitness is a universal language and people from all walks of life recognize the many benefits of exercise. These include better heart health, improving sports performance, looking better naked, relieving stress, and living longer. Working with a trainer, or sports performance coach can be beneficial for just about anyone. There’s always something new to learn, regardless of fitness level. You may not have realized it, but you need a personal trainer. Read on to see why having a trainer in your ear makes sense for living a happier life.
It’s affordable.
One of the top reasons people don’t work out with a trainer is the cost. Let’s get this objection out of the way. Many prospective clients believe that training is “not in their budget” before even looking at any numbers. Aaptiv, for example, offers 24/7 unlimited access to audio trainers. They tell you exactly what workouts to do, when to do them, and how to execute them. Consider these three numbers: $14.95, $99.99, and $7.69. It costs $14.95 per month for a month-to-month subscription and $99.99 for an annual subscription (which includes the free trial). Dividing $99.99 by 13 (the number of months you’ll receive, including a 30-day free trial) equals $7.69 per month. The yearly payment is the most budget-friendly.
If budget isn’t an issue (and you see the value in investing in your body), then you may want to consider hiring a personal trainer, in addition to having Aaptiv workouts. The cost of personal training depends on your location, how many sessions you’re looking to purchase, and how long you want the session to last. A lesser-known fact: training with a partner or in a small group (three to five people) will dramatically decrease the cost per session.
Everyone is busy.
The second reason for lack of exercise is a busy work schedule. Some people may not see money as the issue. They’re just unable to commit to a time for working out. Hiring a personal trainer is the ultimate way to eliminate this problem. Whether your goals are weight loss or entering a weightlifting competition and you’re crunched for time, paying someone to write you a plan to get there is the way to go. This will ensure that you reach your goals.
Here is another way to look at it. Getting to the gym, doing your session, and coming back home takes at least one hour (but more likely two). Aaptiv has effective strength training workouts that are as short as ten minutes in duration that can be done at home. An audio trainer will save the most time in the long run since most indoor workouts are under 50 minutes.
Trainers need personal trainers, too.
Many fitness instructors compete in some type of sport, for example, running, CrossFit, triathlon, or bodybuilding. Ask these trainers what they do to prepare for their sport of choice. Most likely they’ll say, “My coach designs a program for me.” Trainers that also compete in sports are busy designing their clients’ training programs. So, they often can’t find the time to craft their own programs. Hence the need to hire a coach.
Trainers that work out to feel better and/or for personal reasons might scoff at the idea of hiring another personal trainer. This is perhaps because they’re in the field of personal training to train others. If this is the case, an audio trainer might be the best fit for them to work on a specific aspect of their fitness game. For example, a trainer might want to be more flexible or run a half marathon. Those workouts would be available anytime in Aaptiv.
You’ll learn proper form.
The best time to sign up with a personal trainer is when you first join a gym. Don’t wander around doing your own thing and possibly injure yourself or delay your goals when there’s someone there who can guarantee results. Even if you only sign up for five to ten sessions, it’s crucial to learn proper technique in the main exercises. These include the squat, overhead press, bench press, and deadlift. Not doing so can lead to injury, which isn’t something anyone wants when they join a gym.
There’s a goal for everyone.
Weight loss is one of the most popular fitness goals you’ll hear. This may be a result of the statistic that 36 percent of American adults struggle with obesity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Other goals include longevity, building muscle, getting more limber, improving overall health, getting better at a sport, recovering from an injury, and boosting energy. Whether your goal is to lose ten, 50, or 100 pounds, Aaptiv has a variety of weight loss workouts you can do anywhere. Yes, that means a plethora of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, too.
Even if you’re an advanced fitness enthusiast, Aaptiv has a workout or exercise that you haven’t tried. Workouts geared toward specific cardio machines open up a Pandora’s box of training possibilities. If recovering from an injury, you may want to speak with a fitness professional in person about how to regenerate that area. Then use some of the stretching audio workouts for that area, if deemed appropriate by the fitness professional.
You may live longer.
We know that exercise helps us live longer. Here’s some insight into why that’s true. A 2014 Mayo Clinic Proceedings study of 650,000 adults found that a higher waist circumference was associated with higher mortality at all levels of body mass index. Men with the highest waist circumference saw a three-year decrease in life expectancy compared to dudes with the smallest waists. Women with bigger waists saw a five-year decrease in longevity compared to those with smaller waists. Losing a few inches off your waist can add years to your life.
Running has been shown to add years to your life, too. A 2014 Journal of the American College of Cardiology study of 55,000 adults found that running causes a 30 percent decrease in all-cause mortality. This equals about three years added to your life. Running even less than 50 minutes per week at a slow speed (less than six mph) yields these life-saving benefits. You don’t necessarily have to run to get longevity benefits, though.
Even burning just 90-100 calories per day (equivalent to 20 minutes of brisk walking) can reduce mortality risk compared to being completely sedentary, according to a 2015 American Journal of Clinical Journal Nutrition study. Going from totally desk-bound to moving just a little bit can decrease mortality risk by 16-30 percent. When it comes to exercise, every minute counts in more ways than one.