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What Happens When You Cut Out Alcohol for a Month?

The physical and mental benefits of cutting out alcohol, both in the short and long term.

What Are Melatonin Supplements—and Are They Right for You?

Sleep deficiency is real, and problematic, as it can lead to slowed thinking, a reduced attention span, poor memory, lack of energy and risky decision-making. Can melatonin help?

5 Workout Moves That Use Sliding Discs

While it’s true that you don’t need any equipment in order to get a killer workout, there’s no denying that they do serve important functions, especially sliding.

Are Food Delivery Apps Changing Your Eating Habits for the Worse?

It’s never been easier to access whatever food it is that you’re craving at pretty much any given time thanks to the bevy of on-demand food delivery apps and services available right at our fingertips, but what impact are they having on our health?

6 In-Season Spring Ingredients and Recipes That Highlight Them

While all fruits and veggies make great additions to your diet, the in-season varieties can be especially beneficial.

Is It Better to Juice or Eat Whole Fruits and Vegetables?

Juice is all the rage, but what do you sacrifice nutritionally when you choose juice over whole fruits and vegetables?

Is it Possible to Drink Too Much Water?

But is it possible to overdo it on water and drink too much? You might be surprised to learn that, yes, it is possible to drink too much water, however, it’s very unlikely.

Unconventional Couple’s Workouts You Should Try With Your Partner

Letting your partner motivate you and keep you accountable—and vice versa—can also bring you closer together.

Coffee vs. Energy Drinks vs. Pre-Workout: Which is Right for You?

In an attempt to get the energy jolt we’re craving in order to carry on with our day and ensure we complete that workout, many of us reach for certain beverages, namely coffee, energy drinks and Pre-Workout—but which is right for you?

4 Pilates Exercises That Help You Debloat

There are countless benefits of Pilates, including improved flexibility and posture, increased muscle strength and energy, decreased back pain and stress and even boosted immunity. But one lesser-known benefit of Pilates is one that most people will appreciate: debloating.

6 Creative Ways to Entertain Yourself on Cardio Machines

Fitness pros share creative ways to keep yourself entertained and focused while using a cardio machine.

7 Supplements That Are Important for the Winter Season

While the winter weather, in itself, doesn’t bring along with it a bevy of colds and viruses, the elements that surround the season do. Take these supplements to stay protected.


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