
The 100 Sit-Up Challenge and Other New Classes Live Now!

Are you up for a challenge?

If you took Aaptiv Trainer Kenta Seki’s 100 Squat Challenge, you’re going to want to take his 100 Sit-Up Challenge. Or, if you’re looking to start off your week on a restorative note, try The Dynamic & Restorative, a vinyasa flow with Aaptiv Trainer Ceasar Barajas.

Strength Training

Weighted All-Over Toner with Amanda B.
Full Body + Weights: You’ll need two sets of dumbbells for this intermediate strength workout. Grab a medium set of dumbbells, ranging from 12.5lb to 20lb, and a heavy set of dumbbells, ranging from 20lb to 30lb. The goal of this workout is to build strength with dumbbells and incorporate intervals of cardio. You’ll have three strength sets with a cardio move at the top of each set. The first set includes two rounds of high knees, front-rack squats, alternating chest presses, and planks with knee taps. In the second set you’ll perform two rounds of squat thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, hinge rows, and Russian twists. For the final set, you’ll work through two rounds of skaters, alternating lunge-and-curls, shoulder presses, and jack-knives.

Check On That Core with Amanda B.
Core: Grab a mat for this quick core strengthening workout. Work through exercises including planks, arch-ups, side planks, and toe touches. You’ll perform this for two rounds with 30 seconds on each exercise and 15 seconds of rest in between.

Crushed Up with Amanda B.
Full Body + Weights: For this advanced 40-minute strength workout, grab a lighter set of dumbbells, ranging from 10lb to 15lb, for upper body work, and a heavier set of dumbbells, ranging from 20lb to 30lb, for the lower body. Work through three rounds. Each round includes three sets of four exercises. The exercises combine upper and lower body strength moves, plyometric training, and core work to finish. You’ll have a minute to rest in between rounds.

Bar Breakers with Ackeem E.
Core + Lower Body: Use your body weight to strengthen muscles in your lower body and core. Work 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. Exercises include leg lifts, bicycles, forearm planks, and more.

Ghosts in the Gym with Ackeem E.
Full Body: Grab a set of dumbbells: 10lb for beginners, 15lb for intermediate, and 20lb for advanced. Warm up with moves including burpees, high knees, and skaters. Then grab your weights and get ready to sweat!

ISO Sore with Ackeem E.
Full Body: This class uses isometric holds to strengthen your muscles. You’ll work for 40 seconds, hold for 20 seconds, and rest for 30 seconds on each exercise. All you need is your bodyweight and a wall. Work through four movements for three rounds. Exercises include jump squats, one-touch push-ups, split lunges, wall sits, and forearm plank jacks.

Show Me Your Discipline with Jaime M.
Full Body + Equipment: Warm up with marches in place, butt kicks, arm circles, and two rounds of jump rope. Then work through three rounds each of squats, inchworms, push-ups, and planks. Cool down with some floor stretches. The word of this workout is “discipline.”

Core Basics with Kenta S.
Core: All you’ll need is your own body weight and a mat to complete this workout. You’ll be working on your back for the duration of this workout. Work through standard crunches, static crunches, leg extensions, straight leg sit-ups, leg raises, and more.

The 100 Sit-Up Challenge with Kenta S.
Full Body: Work through 100 sit-ups in this class. You’ll have five sets of them, starting with 30 reps, then 25, 20, 15, and finally 10 reps. Complete each set in a different amount of time. This class is best performed with your toes under a couch, heavy dumbbells, or with a friend holding onto your feet.

Straps & Strength with Kenta S.
Full Body + Equipment: This is a suspension trainer workout. Work through three different circuits, each consisting of four exercises. The third exercise will be a superset and the fourth will focus on cardio. Each movement is performed for 30 seconds and repeated once.

Cardio HIIT Sets with Mary O.
HIIT + Full Body + Weights: Grab a set of medium-weight dumbbells, ranging from 12lb to 15lb, as well as a heavier set of dumbbells, ranging from 20lb or more, and a mat. Then you’ll superset four exercises and have 1 minute of lower body plyometrics and 1 minute of plank variations.

Mo Dumbbells Mo Problems with Mike S.
HIIT + Upper Body + Dumbbells: Grab a set of light to medium-weight dumbbells. Start with down dogs and the perfect stretch, with 30 seconds on each, to warm up. Then, work through three rounds of alternating overhead presses, reverse flys, bent-over rows, shoulder scaption, and push-ups. You’ll have 30 seconds on each movement.

Kettlebell AMRAP Superset with Mike S.
Full Body + Kettlebells: Grab a light and heavy kettlebell, as well as a mini resistance band for the warm-up. Start with two rounds of isometric holds and abduction, performing each for 60 seconds. Then work through a 5-minute AMRAP consisting of kettlebell swings and jump squats. Following the AMRAP, work through three rounds of deadlifts, military presses, uneven split squats, hollow holds, single-arm swings, and push-ups.

HIIT 40, Rest 20 with Meghan T.
Full Body: This HIIT workout focuses on four different bodyweight movements performed for 40 seconds on each. Movements include down dogs with push-ups, alternating back lunges, high knees, and air squats. This workout is quick but efficient. It’s the perfect warm-up for a run, or great to use as a post-run fat burner.

Box Jumps and Kettlebells with Rachel M.
Full Body + Kettlebells + Equipment: You’ll need a box and kettlebells for this advanced strength routine. You’ll work through a 12-minute EMOM-style circuit followed by a 5-minute AMRAP that focuses on jumps and abs.

Dumbbells For Dinner with Sultan M.
Full Body + Dumbbells: You’ll need a set of dumbbells for this intermediate strength workout. Work through alternating forward lunges, bicep curls, alternating reverse lunges, and hammer curls.

90s Dumbbell Session with Sultan M.
Upper Body + Dumbbells: You’ll need a set of dumbbells for this chest and shoulder strength workout. You’ll perform chest presses, side shoulder raises, neutral chest presses, reverse flies, chest busters, and front shoulder raises. Work out to a playlist of all-90s hip-hop.


8-Minute Stretch with Amanda B.
Full Body: This calming and quick full-body stretch is designed to keep you grounded during your busy week. Work through a number of standing and sitting dynamic stretches to stay limber.

Restore and Rest with Amanda B.
Full Body: You’ll need a mat for this full body stretch. Work through yoga postures, such as forward folds and downward-facing dogs, as well as hip flexor, hamstring, wrist, forearm, shoulder, and tricep stretches.

Calming Stretch with Kenta S.
Full Body: Grab a mat and get loose. This full body stretch includes movements on your feet and on the floor. Work through a series of static and dynamic stretches that act as a great complement to any workout routine or as a standalone stretch.

Rita’s Runner Stretch with Kenta S.
Full Body: Focus on loosening muscles in your entire body and stretch to an all Rita Ora playlist. This class is great to take before or after your run.

Quickie Cool Down with Kenta S.
Full Body: This class consists of total body stretches and is great to use as a post-workout cooldown. Unwind to an all-Sia playlist.

Love Your Lower Body with Nicole S.
Lower Body: In this lower body stretch, you’ll begin with hip-opening moves. You’ll stretch your hamstrings, quads, and calves. Finish showing yourself some love with your knees, ankles, and toes.


Toggling Between Speeds with Ackeem E.
Speed Work: There are no prescribed speeds in this class, you’ll be using colors to toggle from speed to speed. Walk, jog, and run become red, yellow, and green. The goal is to find your true tempo so you can really improve over time. Each round has a 60-second walk, 2-minute push pace, and a quick sprint.

Metered Sprints with Ackeem E.
Intervals: Today’s class aims to decrease your mile time and increase your speed and confidence. Work through three 200-meter, 400-meter, and 800-meter sprints each. You’ll have plenty of time to rest and recover in between each interval while staying in a 75 percent threshold. Learning to maintain this tempo will ultimately benefit your speed and endurance.

Climbing with Pride with Elena M.
Incline: Find strength in your stride by climbing up and down some hills! Warm up, then work through eight blocks. In the first seven, you’ll work at your jogging, running, push, and recovery paces. Your speed will increase just a little with each block, and you’ll have different hills to climb in each. Use the last block to cool down.

Sprinter’s Dust with Elena M.
Speed Work: This HIIT run will help improve heart health and metabolic training. The class is designed to increase your speed in burst efforts followed by active recoveries. Start with a 5-minute warm-up, then work through five blocks, in which the running time will get progressively longer. You’ll work through three rounds of 30-, 40-, or 50-second intervals with 30 seconds to recover in between.

Electric Tread with John T.
Intervals: This beginner treadmill workout features a three-song circuit that you’ll repeat one time. The first song of each circuit will be a rolling incline walk. For each second song, you’ll work up from a walk to a jog. In the final song of each interval, you’ll work from your jogging pace to a quick jog. All of the intervals are based in the beat of the music.

Approach and Attack with John T.
Intervals + Sprint: This beat-based workout uses the drops of each song to increase your speed. The workout has five songs in total and includes six sprints. You’ll return to your jogging pace in between sprints. Enjoy some recovery in between. The goal of this workout is to attack your top sprinting speeds and use the music to move you forward.

Progression Intervals with Meghan T.
Intervals: In this intermediate treadmill workout, you’ll push through three sections. In the first segment, you’ll work for 12 minutes and increase your speed every 2 minutes up to level 6.8. The second portion is structured like the first piece, but is shorter and ends at a high of level 7.5. The final interval is an incline progression that peaks at 5 percent.

Beginner HIIT Intervals with Meghan T.
HIIT: This workout opens with 12 minutes of incline walking intervals. The highest incline is 10.0 and the highest speed is 3.5. Then, you’ll have 10 minutes of passive recovery running, in which you’ll alternate running and walking for 60 seconds. The run speeds range from 4.8 to 5.6.

Three Rounds, One Goal with Rachel M.
Intervals + Incline: In this advanced treadmill workout you’ll sweat through three rounds of work. Each round incorporates shifts in speed and incline that peak at level 9.0 and 5.0 respectively. You’ll finish the workout with a 5-minute push.

Run With Rita with Rochelle B.
HIIT: Work through intervals consisting of endurance, speed work, and incline drills. Your maximum incline will be 10.0 and your maximum speed will be 7.5. Sweat to an all Rita Ora playlist.

Just A Dash of Inclines with Rochelle B.
Intervals: This workout is designed for advanced athletes who need to focus on building stamina and strength with incline training. Warm up at a pace of 6.0 for 5-minutes, then work through four 5-minute sets. Your highest incline will be 5.0, and your highest speed will be 7.5. You’ll have 2 minutes to recover in between sets.

Outdoor Running

Let’s Go the Distance with Ben G.
Endurance: The goal of this class is to run non-stop for 30 minutes. Start out easy and increase your pace and intensity with each song.

Walk, Run, Walk with Meghan T.
Walk + Run: This workout opens with a 5-minute speed walking interval. Then, you’ll work through HIIT intervals, alternating between running and walking intervals. You’ll end with another 5-minute speed walking interval.

2-Minute Intervals with Meghan T.
Intervals: This workout consists of nine rounds of 2 minutes of running alternated with 1 minute of walking. You’ll work on active recovery, as well as your threshold pace while building speed and stamina.

Build Speed with Sprints with Rochelle B.
Intervals: This workout is designed for beginner athletes who have a good base and need to focus on interval training to build up speed. You’ll have walking breaks for full recovery in between. Warm up with two short pick-ups, then work through five 2-minute running intervals and six 30-second sprints. End with a 2-minute jog and cool down. The goal is to save energy for the sprints in the second half of the class and to be able to go faster than in the 2-minute interval set.

5K Paced Sprints with Rochelle B.
Speed Work: This class focuses on speed training. Warm up with a 2-minute jog, then work through progression sprint intervals. You’ll start with a 1-minute sprint and end with a 4-minute sprint. But don’t worry, your recovery time will always match your sprinting time. The goal is to hit your 5K race pace for each sprint to build speed.


Finding Power with Ben G.
Walk: This is a powerful walk with seven 3-minute intervals. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to enjoy 20 to 45 seconds of active recovery. Now get ready to work!

The Greatest Walk with Jaime M.
Walk: This walk is all about dreaming and is set to the “Greatest Showman” soundtrack. As you walk, think about your dreams and how you can become confident enough to achieve them without fear.

Indoor Cycling

Riding With Power with Ben G.
Intervals: In this ride, you’ll work with heavy resistance and work in and out of the saddle. Start with a 3-minute climb and a 4-minute endurance interval. Following that, you’ll have a 7-minute climb, two sprints, and 2 minutes of planks.

Metabolic Ride with Ed H.
Intervals: In this 30-minute advanced indoor cycling workout you’ll focus primarily on moderate to hard efforts. Move to the music as you work in and out of the saddle. This workout is designed to improve metabolic conditioning and muscular power.

Tabata Pushes & Touch Ups with John T.
Intervals: This class is all about Tabata training, using short intervals to spike the heart rate and push beyond the beat. You’ll also push through heavy resistance climbs while keeping the rhythm. The goal is to stay consistently on beat as the resistance steadily increases.


Battling Stress with Ceasar B.
Guided Meditation: This guided meditation is ideal to do while walking, commuting, or doing another chill activity. It’s set to upbeat music, featuring artists such as the Strokes, Missy Elliott, and more. Focus on five ways to battle stress.

Discover Happiness with Jade A.
Guided Meditation: This 10-minute beginner meditation allows you to focus on your breath to discover happiness and peace. You’ll end the class with a mantra you can keep throughout the day.

Positive Self Talk with Jade A.
Guided Meditation: This meditation focuses on positive self-talk and turning negatives into positives. Train your mind to have positive words, behaviors, habits, and values. This meditation is great to do any time of day.

Celebrate Accomplishment and Potential with Jess R.
Guided Meditation: This meditation is a great way to end a workout routine. You’ll ground yourself and practice celebrating your accomplishments while looking forward to your potential.

Your Personal Vision with Nicole S.
Guided Meditation: Imagine seeing yourself free of burdens, negativity, and self-doubt. Your mental landscape is malleable and capable of great change. In order to experience your best self, you must clean house. This is a great meditation to come back to time and time again to reaffirm the visions you hold for yourself.


The Dynamic & Restorative with Ceasar B.
Vinyasa Flow: This flow is set to upbeat music and alternates between dynamic-based and restorative-based movements. Start by setting an intention, then work through sun salutations A & B, shoulder taps, child’s pose, cat/cows, anjanayasana, pigeon pose, seated forward folds, and savasana.

I Am A Warrior with Jade A.
Vinyasa Flow: In this class, embody the characteristics of your warrior postures and feel strong, balanced, poised, and focused. Flow with sun salutations A & B, as well as warriors 1 & 2, peaceful warrior, and humble warrior. This flow is great for building a strong body and a strong mind.

Perfect Solution with Jade A.
Workout Yoga: Need yoga and a workout but don’t have the time or patience for both? This class is the perfect solution. Combine the two and get strong, stretch for five minutes, and calm your mind.

Recommit To Your Potential with Nicole S.
Vinyasa Flow + Equipment: If it were easy to stay present, we wouldn’t need to continually remind ourselves how to get there. This flow gives you an opportunity to flow from the heart, appreciating your body in its current state, and leaving you filled with presence and gratitude for what is working, here and now. Flow at a moderate pace.

Stair Climber

Strong Steps with Erin S.
Intervals: In this advanced stairclimber workout, you’ll make the most of limited time. In the first song, work through speed intervals. In the second song, tackle skip-steps. End the workout with 30-second progression intervals that increase in speed.

Short Sweet Stairs with John T.
Intervals: This beginner stairclimber workout uses the music to create intensity and pace. You’ll push through three songs and work all sides of your legs. The first and last songs focus on speed intervals that follow the songs and peak at 7.0. You’ll split the speed work with a short segment of side-stepping intervals.

30-Second Stepping with Mary O.
Intervals + Core: In this advanced stairclimber workout, you’ll work through 30-second intervals followed by 60-second recovery periods. Your max speed will be at level 18.0. You’ll end the workout with a short ab routine.


Keep The Cadence with Erin S.
Intervals: In this intermediate elliptical workout, the focus is less on the resistance and incline and more on the pace. Work to find resistance and incline settings that help you stride at the prescribed cadences.

Elliptical Foundations with Jaime M.
Intervals: Warm up with a resistance of 2.0 and incline of 3.0, then alternate between 60- and 90-second intervals, bringing your resistance up each time. The word of this workout is “foundation.”

Rita’s Elliptical Ride with Jaime M.
Intervals: Work on increasing your strength and endurance with speed and incline intervals. Your maximum resistance will be 10.0 and your maximum incline will be 15.0. The word of this workout is “vision,” so visualize your success and make it through the end and push play! Sweat to an all-Rita Ora playlist.

Commit to the Beat with John T.
Intervals + Multidirectional: This advanced workout has a three-song circuit you’ll repeat once. The first song involves taking the hands off the handlebars and climbing through heavy resistance. The second song focuses on working in reverse to work the hamstrings. The third song incorporates interval training. The goal of this workout is to constantly change up the routine to boost the metabolism and to commit to every challenge.

Variety Pack with Katie H.
Intervals: In this intermediate elliptical workout, the music will be your guide. In each song, you’ll change either the incline, resistance, or speed. Your incline and resistance will start between 3.0 and 5.0 and build from there.

I Am Powerful with Katie H.
Intervals: This class is all about the intervals—each one building on the last! There are three rounds of work with recoveries in between. Set your base, build your resistance, then push the pace to break away. Show yourself how powerful you really are.

* We are always working to improve the Aaptiv experience – which includes adding new content and replacing older content. If you don’t see a class you’re interested in, please reach out to for recommendations!



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