Health / Expert Advice

How to Start a Qigong Practice for a Healthier Mind and Body

Here's how to start a Qigong practice.

If you are looking to pick up a daily practice that will enrich your life, mentally and physically, consider Qigong. Did you know that Qigong was created in 200 B.C. or even earlier?

Although this ancient practice isn’t as well-known as yoga or tai chi, it boasts just as many benefits that can revolutionize your health.

Do you want to start your Qigong practice? Keep reading for 6 must-know tips that can help you learn how to do Qigong.

1. Learn Qigong by Reading Books

The most important thing to understand about Qigong is that it’s much more than an exercise. If you adopt the right attitude, your practice will extend far beyond your exercises and start changing the way you live. The best Qigong books will not only teach you about the poses, but they’ll also teach you about the mindfulness behind the practice.

2. Practice Qigong Exercises for Beginners

Qigong is divided into two types of exercises: internal and external. The internal exercises aim to improve your mental health while the external ones improve your physical health. If you start slow with a few exercises for beginners, you can become more aware of your mind-body connection.

3. Get in Touch with Your Breathing

Many people don’t breathe deeply enough to cleanse their body. Practicing Qigong can help you fix the way you breathe so you can let go of stress and feel more energized throughout the day. Giving your body more oxygen can improve your mood and help you stay calm and focused.

4. Slow Down Your Mind

Qigong meditation is challenging for tons of people in the modern world. Living in a society that never slows down can train you to ignore how your body feels and resist the healing powers of focusing your attention inward. To reap the full benefits of Qigong, try your best to leave all of your thoughts behind and give 100% of your attention to your practice.

5. Move with Intention

The main goals of doing Qigong poses are to lengthen your spine, increase your airflow, and clear your mind. As you listen to your body through each movement, you’ll understand how to carry yourself better to improve your energy, stamina, and flexibility. Once you’ve practiced Qigong for a few weeks, you’ll be amazed by how the rest of your movements throughout the day adapt to keep your body comfortable and strong.

6. Consider Learning Qigong with a Teacher

Since Qigong isn’t the most popular exercise in western culture, you may have a hard time finding in-person classes near you. The good news is that there are plenty of online classes and informational videos out there that can guide you through your practice. If you discover a passion for Qigong, it’s worth learning as much as you can so you can dive deeper into your wellness journey.

Are You Ready to Start Your Qigong Practice?

With these 6 tips, you’ll be able to start a Qigong practice that heals your body and mind. Do you want to learn other ways you can thrive? Explore our site for the best health and fitness tips.

Expert Advice Health


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