
Mission Accomplished and Other New Classes Live Now!

Put your endurance to the test this week with an Aaptiv workout.

Crush and Embrace this week with an interval workout with Aaptiv Trainer John Thornhill. Or, go for a Passionate Push in a bodyweight strength workout with Aaptiv Trainer Jaime McFaden.

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Outdoor Running

Focus on Your Tempo with Wes P.
Tempo: Focus on maintaining your tempo pace and building your mental toughness with this run.

Stay In Your Moment with Rochelle B.
Endurance: Maintain a conversational pace for 30 minutes to build stamina and endurance. This will help improve your overall running performance and will teach you that slower-paced runs are imperative for race training.

Woman Up with Katie H.
Endurance: This endurance run is set to a female-powered playlist! It’s split into two rounds. You’ll run for 15 minutes straight, building from your conversational pace to your threshold pace. After a quick recovery, you’ll spend the second round of 15 minutes pushing from conversational pace past your threshold and into breathless work. Break through barriers and prove any challenge is conquerable when you go all-in.

Tempo Shinedown with Rochelle B.
Tempo: Maintain a tempo pace for two 10-minute blocks to improve stamina and speed. You’ll have a 2-minute recovery after each. Run to an all Shinedown playlist.

Embrace with John T.
Intervals: Get comfortable being uncomfortable in this outdoor walking, jogging, and running working. Start every song with a walking base, then move with the beat and pick up your pace with jogging and running intervals. Embrace your speed and let’s crush it!

Discover with John T.
Intervals: Master the foundations of walking and jogging in this beat-based workout. Learn how to gauge your individual walking and jogging speeds based on talk tests, rates of perceived exertion, and intensity scales. Are you ready to move with the music?


The Ladder Up with Rochelle B.
Endurance: Focus on periods of slow and faster pacing to help improve endurance and speed. This type of workout is ideal for long distance runners who are training for a half or full marathon.

Test Your Threshold with Rochelle B.
Intervals: In your intervals, focus on maintaining the given speed for each given duration. The mix of incline and threshold-pace intervals will help you build strength and speed.

Mentally Strong with Rochelle B.
Tempo: This workout is designed to maintain a tempo pace for two 10-minute blocks with full recoveries in between. This will help the member simultaneously build speed and stamina to help with performance.

Endurance Party with John T.
Endurance: Party it up with this endurance, beat-based treadmill workout. Progress through a three-song circuit three times. You’ll have two songs to hold your endurance pace, followed by one song to pick up your speed with the beat.

Rock & Run with Jaime M.
Intervals: This quick, 20-minute workout is set to a Rock & Pop playlist. Walk and jog on incline, then decide how you want to take it home for the last interval.


Mission Accomplished with Jaime M.
Intervals: Press start and push hard in this quick, interval-focused workout. Use this as a quick hit on your lunch break, to get the day going, or to finish off your day on a sweet note.

30 Seconds to Push with John T.
Intervals + Multidirectional: Make every minute count in this beat-based elliptical jam session. You’ll have three challenges within six songs, including beat-based resistance climbs, reverse directional training, and intervals. Press play and let’s dance!

The Powers That Three with Katie H.
Endurance: Tackle endurance by the powers of three! In this all-levels class, you’ll build hard work, hold your power, and lose your breath over the course of four rounds—each one three minutes longer than the last. They’ll last for 3, 6, 9, and 12 minutes. Do you think you can handle it?

Indoor Cycling

Progressive Hills 2.0 with Katie H.
Endurance: Hills and hills and recoveries, oh my! This new take on Progressive Hills has everything you loved about the original. After a quick warmup, head into five hills, each one minute longer than the last. You’ll end with a 7-minute hill (and a surprise bonus challenge). Recover fully in between, ride on the beat, and end stronger than you began!’

Switched On with John T.
Intervals: This is part two of the original “Tabata Push and Dance” (but both classes can be taken in either order). The playlist consists of five songs, and in each song you’ll crush short tabata intervals, followed by active recovery intervals. Get ready to spark that heart rate!


Passionate Push with Jaime M.
Full Body: This full body bodyweight workout alternates between strength blocks and cardio bursts. Each block and burst are three movements repeated twice through. Bring your passion and your focus and push to the finish!

Better Than Ever with Jaime M.
Full Body: This is a full body circuit with mix of compound movements and balance challenges to work your whole body and to get you feeling better than ever! This workout will focus on how to connect your mind to the movement.

Full Body Work! with Ackeem E.
Full Body: This is a bodyweight only workout with a glute and core warmup, followed by three circuits. Each circuit has three movements completed for 1 minute each and done for two rounds.

Torch Calories with Mary O.
Full Body: This full body, bodyweight only workout will have you sweating until the very last second. Work through three rounds of nine exercises, each done for 40 seconds with a 20-second recovery. All you need for this class is your body and your commitment!

Strength & Power with Mary O.
Lower Body: Burn calories by alternating between bodyweight strength and plyometric moves in this seven-exercise circuit. Each move is done for one minute and there are three rounds of work. You’ll feel it all over tomorrow!

Upper Body Talk with Mary O.
Upper Body: Get down to business in this bodyweight only workout. You’ll have seven moves for 1 minute each and repeat them for three rounds. Exercises include push-ups, reverse planks, bicycle twists, side planks, mountain climbers, burpees, and v-sits.

Creative Core with Ackeem E.
Core: This core workout is all about how to resist the natural orientation rotation in the movement pattern. Anti-rotational exercises sharpen and strengthen your whole core and support other functional movements, as well as improve your brain and body connection.

Bodyweight Bring It with Ackeem E.
Full Body: This full body, bodyweight only workout is a blend of activation and core strengthening, as well as upper and lower body toning.


Lower Body Love with Ackeem E.
Lower Body: Show your lower body some love with this quick stretch. You’ll move through wide-leg straddle, pigeon, butterfly, runner’s lunge, and more!

Upper Body Love with Ackeem E.
Upper Body: This quick stretch is a great way to restore your posture, loosen up your back, and open up your chest up from the day’s work or a challenging workout.

Now that you know what’s new, what are you waiting for? Push play on a class today!



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