
How to Manage Scoliosis in Adults

Growing up, chances are you’ve probably undergone a scoliosis evaluation from the school nurse or at your GP. This is because the condition is mainly diagnosed in pre-pubescent individuals when the skeleton is not yet fully mature. Nevertheless, many adults develop scoliosis, too. Whether the condition wasn’t properly identified early on or occurs as a result of natural degeneration, scoliosis can be a major handicap. Fortunately, there are proven remedies to alleviate symptoms and correct skeletal curvature to improve mobility and quality of life.

So, after a brief definition, we’ll explore some of the most effective adult scoliosis management treatments and remedies.

Adult Scoliosis: Characteristics and Types

Much like the juvenile kind, adult scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spinal column (backbone). Our spines have a natural forward-and-inward slope to help us stand balanced and upright, but patients with scoliosis experienced a sideways deformity to varying extents as well.

We typically find two types of scoliosis in adults. On the one hand, degenerative scoliosis is the most common form and develops as the bones deteriorate and curve due to aging. On the other hand, adult idiopathic scoliosis is the term given to when the condition remains undiscovered until adulthood or develops after puberty. In either case, posture is affected, pain may develop, and the condition may cause loss of height and/or misalignment of the hips and pelvis.

Physical Therapy

One of the most common ways for grown patients to manage and treat scoliosis is with physical therapy (PT) sessions. Doctors will often prescribe PT as a method to relieve pain, improve posture, and maintain overall upper-body strength. The health specialists over at also believe rehabilitation is key to overcoming the effects of adult scoliosis; this will usually include low-impact exercises, deep stretches, and regular physical activity. So, if you suffer from mild or severe symptoms, you’d best look for a professional and reliable facility that will help you on your way to a splendid recovery.

Medication Treatment

The reflex for a majority of people dealing with adult scoliosis is to head straight to the supermarket or pharmacy whenever the pain hits them. While a professional assessment is necessary for proper diagnosis and to find the most adapted treatment, some over-the-counter drugs can effectively help alleviate discomfort and pain. That said, anti-inflammatory medications only offer temporary relief, which is why it’s important to combine them with other forms of treatment.

Lifestyle Changes

As with any other common ailment, adult scoliosis requires patients to adjust their habits to recover and not let their condition handicap them more than necessary. As mentioned, physical exercise plays a significant role in bringing back mobility and promoting muscle and bone reinforcement. Choosing a low-impact discipline, such as swimming or indoor cycling, to be practiced at least two to three times a week, can be a great way to improve flexibility and benefit from a nice cardio boost. In parallel, if you smoke, it’s advised that you cut it off completely, as it accelerates the degeneration process. A balanced diet with lots of calcium will also contribute to reinforcing your bones’ structure.

Surgical Intervention

While most forms of adult scoliosis can be treated using non-invasive remedies, some severe cases will necessitate surgery. Here, the procedure aims to realign the spine’s curvature, correct balance, and posture, and relieve possible nerve pressure. Naturally, the decision to undergo surgery should be taken as a last resort given the risks. It also turns out that adults are far less concerned about correcting the cosmetic deformity in their spine compared to adolescents; still, nearly 1 in 3 spinal fusion surgeries in people over 25 are carried for aesthetic purposes. All in all, patients who opt for surgical intervention benefit from overall improved quality of life, barring any complications.

Other Pain Management Treatments

Last but not least, there are other forms of homeopathic treatments that may help adults successfully alleviate or overcome their condition. These notably include chiropractic care, massage therapy, posture therapy, acupuncture, and even yoga. Practiced regularly, patients are bound to notice improvements in their posture and balance, experience less pain, and gain back their mobility. A blend of these natural practices can bear fruit in the long run.

In the end, while it can be truly debilitating for some, a majority of people suffering from adult scoliosis can live relatively well, even without any form of treatment. Conventional and surgical remedies are reserved for those experiencing chronic pain and whose posture has seriously deteriorated. Always seek a doctor or a health specialist’s medical advice to help you find the most suitable treatment method.



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