Certified in yoga and group fitness, Ceasar instills a sense of sincerity and encouragement into his insightful and focused training.
Meditation is not just sitting quietly, it has a host of benefits that extend to your fitness goals.
Get these common misconceptions out of the way.
Here’s how yoga can benefit your mind and body at any age.
Yoga teaches you how to push past your limits, but not at the expense of your body.
Take a peek at these post-run stretches if your hips tend to feel tight.
Yes, you can build muscle with yoga.
Modifications to help you move deeper into your practice.
These stretches will increase your range of motion, help your lifting, and lead to better muscle growth.
You’re just seconds away from ahh.
Not every workout needs to push you past your limits. Here’s why.
Get organized, take a deep breath, go to bed early—and remind yourself that pre-race jitters are totally normal.
Repetitive movement can cause tightness in the hip flexors, but these stretches can help relieve pain.
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