Nutrition / Food

5 Healthy Snacking Mistakes to Avoid

It’s so easy to go overboard, even on those good-for-you snacks.

When you live a healthy and active lifestyle, snacks are crucial for keeping you fueled up for your next workout. Plus, snacks can be lifesavers for keeping hanger at bay as you head from the office to the gym, all before a late dinner. That’s why keeping healthy snacks like fruit, hummus, and peanut butter on hand is such a smart choice.

Unfortunately, at the same time, it’s easy to go overboard on snacking—yep, even on healthy snacks. After all, the recommended serving size of hummus is just 2-4 tablespoons, for example. It’s so delicious, though, you probably eat double that recommended amount of the creamy spread at a time, right?

In addition to healthy snacks, your workouts have to be consistent. Take our fitness quiz here and find the best workouts for you.

Here are five healthy snacking traps nutritionists say you shouldn’t fall into, plus what to do instead so you can snack smart.

Eating too many calories

Instead of potato chips, you pick up dried peas instead. But before you know it, you’re eating the entire bag. That’s worse than getting the chips in the first place.

“Not watching portion sizes is one of the biggest healthy snacking mistakes I see, says Megan Denos, R.D. “Snacks are meant to tide you over from one meal to the next, so they should not contain as many calories as a meal itself,” she says. “A good calorie range for snacks is 150-250 calories, depending on your overall calorie needs. Some healthy snacks, such as nuts or trail mix can be very high in calories (around 200 calories per 1/4 cup!), so it’s important to watch portions and stick to a single serving.”

We have great workouts to help burn off those calories. Check out these workout samples to learn more.

Consuming all carbohydrates

When your body needs a quick hit of energy before your evening gym session, you may reach for a banana or granola bar. While carbs are important, don’t forgo the protein, too, says Nicole Hinckley, R.D., L.D.

Protein slows down digestion, so when you pair a carbohydrate with a protein it can help you feel fuller longer.

“The biggest mistake I see when it comes to snacking is when people are consuming all carbohydrates,” she says. “Those carbs may be coming from a healthy source, such as an apple. However, protein slows down digestion, so when you pair a carbohydrate with a protein it can help you feel fuller longer.”

Next time, add some peanut butter to your apple or banana, or try some almonds and fruit.

Grazing all day long

Grazing all day is easy to do, especially if you work in an office that has unlimited healthy snack options. The same goes if you work from home and have unlimited access to your cabinet/fridge. Sticking to dedicated snack times is a better idea, Denos explains.

“Treat a snack like you would a meal,” she says. “Get a single portion, sit down, and eat it,” she says. “When you graze (a piece of cheese here, protein bar there, then kale chips later…) the calories still add up quicker than you may realize and you never end up truly feeling like your hunger was satisfied.”

Not planning ahead

When you are stuck in the office and in need of snack, but you don’t have anything healthy on hand, it’s so easy to reach for a cookie or donut. So with the best of intentions for healthy snacking, you find yourself at the vending machine, says Denos.

“Many people forget to think about snacks until their stomach starts to rumble in between meals,” she says. “This leads them right to the vending machine or baked goods in the break room. Instead, plan ahead and pack a nutritious snack so you’re not tempted by less healthy options.”

Thinking because a snack is labeled “organic,” or non-GMO, you can eat as much as you want

We all love grocery stores like Whole Foods, but just because they label an Oreo cookie or potato chip organic doesn’t mean you can eat as many as you want. “Remember, healthy calories are still calories,” says Hinckley. “Try to choose snacks that are rich in nutrients and low in calories.”

If you are going to read labels, she also recommends looking for snacks that are low in sugar and have a short list of ingredients.

Smart choices for healthy snacks

So what counts as a healthy snack, exactly? Denos says it should be 150-250 calories per serving, low in added sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats. It also should also include healthy fats (unsaturated fats), protein, and fiber. Some of her favorite options are below.

While choosing healthy snacks can give you more fuel for your day, be sure to check portion sizes, include some protein, and stick to a dedicated snack times to avoid unwanted weight gain. The goal is to have your energy soar, not slump!

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