
Why Nutrition Is The Easiest Part Of The Fat Loss Equation

Looking to shed weight? Start with this part first.

When we want to shed some excess weight and lose a few inches, our minds automatically go to diet and exercise – in that order. It’s no coincidence that the way we eat comes as a first priority, followed by Aaptiv’s physical workouts on our quest to fat loss.

Today, we let you in on the five reasons why nutrition is the easiest part of the fat loss equation.

1. There’s Plenty of Free Online Resources

The internet is a magnificent place, and with some research, you can educate yourself on the various weight loss approaches, their pros and cons, as well as how they’re applied. For a basic weight loss strategy, things can be quite simple; you put in less than what you burn off. With the help of online calculators, you can figure out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) – which means the amount of calories your body uses per day, which will help you decide on your weight loss calorie count (as you create a calorie deficit, your body automatically starts to shed the pounds.)

On the other hand, and if you don’t want to do the pre-work of creating your own diet plans, several plans can also be found online. Whether you’re looking for a regular weight loss regime or seeking an example bulking meal plan, the resources are endless. Keep in mind that before embarking on a free online diet, it is recommended to see your physician for a quick check-up to exclude any health conditions that may contradict with your selected meal plan.

2. Supporting Tools Can Be Free

In today’s tech world, there are dozens of apps for the purpose of tracking calories, accessing support forums, and sharing knowledge and advice. Apps like Lose It!, SparkPeople and MyFitnessPal are great examples, with food databases carrying millions of meals, calorie components, and even nutritional details. Most of these apps come in both free and premium versions for added perks, for if you’re a beginner then the free versions will do just fine.

3. It Costs Less

Making healthy dietary choices do not entail paying for a gym subscription, a personal trainer, or exercise equipment. It also doesn’t require workout clothes, running shoes, or buying expensive activity trackers. All you need to do is replace your grocery list of processed foods, packaged snacks, and sugar-laden treats with vegetables, fruit, and healthy snacks. And although some may argue that fast food and processed meals can be cheaper than their healthier counterparts, you’ll find that you are making up for that cost through portion control – a vital aspect of weight loss.

4. You Get Double the Motivation

A double motivation works better for many people, as they realize that not only are they eating clean foods for weight loss, but also for overall health. Fattening meals don’t only influence the way your body looks, but the way it works as well. For instance, medical studies have shown that eating foods high in saturated fats raise the level of LDL cholesterol in your blood, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, foods high in refined sugar play a major role in the development of Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.

On the other hand, consuming vegetables, fruit and nuts promote overall good health; better skin and hair; improved gut functions; regular bowel movement; higher energy levels throughout the day; as well as better sleep. The list can go on forever, but you catch my drift.

5. Getting Your Family On Board is a Breeze

If you happen to live with your family, getting creative with healthy cooking recipes can easily get them interested in joining you and converting to a healthier diet. Think about it this way, instead of having to cook two separate menus, your whole family can enjoy healthy, delicious meals, and improve their health along the way. Shedding a few extra pounds of fat can also be a great bonus for them, without having to work too hard. All you have to do is take baby steps towards making better choices – replace the sweetened juice with sugar-free options; full cream milk with skim; white bread with whole-wheat, and so on. These changes don’t have to happen suddenly, or they could turn everyone off. Most people create long-lasting habits over a period of time, so be patient and introduce changes one thing at a time.

You Are What You Eat

Humor me, and Google “Is diet or exercise more important for weight loss?” – you’re more likely to be faced with the famous formula for dropping pounds; 80 percent diet, and 20 percent exercise. Not only is the nutritional aspect more important in weight loss, it is also the easiest part. So start your weight loss journey by making healthier, more nutritious choices today.



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