Fitness / Running

Get Stronger to Run Longer 10K Challenge

New Team Challenge Available Now in the Aaptiv App!

What can the user expect in this program?
Strength is cultivated from within and this program will help you build strength both physically and psychologically from the inside out.  Whether you are training for a Virtual 10k or looking to tackle whatever life throws your way, you will gain the mental tools and muscular strength to carry with you throughout your day.

How is the program structured / periodized?
During the six week program you will see a mix of running workouts and cross training sessions.  The running workouts will incorporate both speed interval sessions as well as aerobic base endurance runs.  The cross training workouts will utilize body weight strength exercises that are functional and running specific to help prevent injuries and increase running efficiency.

What will the user feel upon completion?
This program is unlike any other in the public space.  It will help increase full body strength that is functional for runners of all ability and experience levels.  Coming out of this program you can feel more confident in your athletic ability, ready to tackle any further fitness goals you set!

Any other information to share?
The best athletes in the world know how to control their body, use body weight as resistance and force, and create power in what their body can accomplish.  This program will help you harness your inner athlete by utilizing two tried and true forms of fitness, body weight strength exercises and running

Start the Get Stronger to Run Longer 10K Challenge now in the Aaptiv app!



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