Fitness / Beginner Fitness

Understanding the 3 Exercise Intensity Levels – For Beginners

If you are a beginner to exercise, we want to help you understand the three intensity zones; Cruising, Comfortable but Challenged, and Pain.

Have you heard the term, ‘you’ve got to walk before you can run?’ Although the saying is used in many situations, it is literally rooted in exercise! When most people start exercising, they exercise at too high an effort – closer to where pain is at the top of the intensity spectrum. This means that it is very uncomfortable and it can be hard to sustain. If you are a beginner, we want to help you understand the three exercise intensity zones; Cruising, Comfortable but Challenged, and Pain (these zones can also be referred to as Light, Moderate and Vigorous.)

Zone 1: The Cruising Intensity

This is where you will start. It’s an effort where you feel (within reason) that you could go all day or at least for quite a long while. This would include; walking, leisure bike ride on flat ground, lifting light weights.

How to tell if you are exercising in Zone 1 or Zone 2?

Try closing your mouth briefly during your workout and just breathe through your nose. If you must open your mouth within a minute or two, you are in Zone 2. If you don’t feel the need to breathe through your mouth, you’re in Zone 1. You quickly learn the feel for this and can dial in the right amount of effort. (Note: this is a 1–2-minute self-test conducted during an easy workout. Breath as you normally do in your workouts all the rest of the time.)

Zone 2: The ‘Comfortable but Challenged’ Intensity

Next we have Zone 2. This is an effort that will feel very comfortable initially (e.g., brisk walking*) BUT it’s not an intensity you can hold all day like ‘Cruising’. After a while, depending on your fitness levels, the exercise will feel slightly less comfortable. What should you do when you start to fell less comfortable? Stop, it’s your body’s way of telling you that you’ve done enough for today. This might initially take 5 to 15 minutes for some beginners. You’ll find over months that the point when things get a little challenging takes longer to get to. (e.g., 20 to 40 minutes.) This tells you that you are getting more fit!

Zone 3: The ‘Pain’ Intensity

Lastly, there is Zone 3, the “Pain” intensity level. You may be wondering, how do know when you’re in Zone 3? This will feel like you’re working hard and is uncomfortable from literally the first minute you begin exercising. (e.g. running*). As you can imagine, this level may be hard to sustain as a beginner. Unless there is a very good reason, our coaches don’t suggest you use the ‘Pain’ intensity level as a beginner.

Ready to get started with some effective beginner workouts? We have lots of classes available on Aaptiv. Sign up here for a free 7-day trial to try one of these popular workouts:

*Before you begin any exercise routine, please consult with your primary care physician.
Beginner Fitness Fitness


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