Nutrition / Meal Prep

10 Ways To Create Healthy Eating Habits That Last All Year

Want to focus on healthy eating this year? A Registered Dietitian shares her tips!

The New Year marks a fresh start and it’s the perfect time to establish healthy eating habits to feel your best. People tend to set goals such as exercising more or starting a new diet with hopes to shed holiday weight and get healthier. Although these New Year’s resolutions are set with good intentions, about 80% of these resolutions fail by February.

How to Create Lasting Healthy Eating Habits

The problem is that most people set large goals that are unsustainable long-term. The best way to create lasting healthy eating habits is to set goals that are small and realistic, e.g. adding a vegetable serving to 1 meal a day, or drinking a glass of water when you first wake up. If you’re looking for simple ways to improve your eating habits, I’m going to share my top tips as a Registered Dietitian, so you can start making lasting changes today!

1. Prep ahead

Doing simple meal prep up front can make healthy eating quick and easy throughout a busy week. Instead of focusing on prepping full meals, try preparing a few foods that you can toss together during the week. For example, prepare a few proteins (hard-boiled eggs, chicken, and beans), chop and cook vegetables, and prepare a few grains like brown rice or quinoa. When it’s time to eat, you can just toss together these items to make a quick balanced meal. 

2. Stock up on protein

You don’t need to spend time cooking every day in order to get enough filling protein as long as you’re stocked with the right foods. Stock up on a few already made proteins to add to your meals. A few healthy options include canned tuna or salmon, canned chicken, beef jerky, string cheese, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, and seeds. It’s important to include protein with every meal and snack as this will help maintain lean muscle mass, and help you stay full and avoid cravings. 

3. Include fruits or veggies at every meal 

This is an easy way to boost your nutrition by simply adding a serving of fruits or vegetables with every meal. This could be as simple as a handful of berries or a sliced banana over yogurt for breakfast, avocado and tomato on a sandwich at lunch, and steamed broccoli or roasted potatoes as a side at dinner. Including more fruits and vegetables will provide your body with essential nutrients that can support physical and mental health. Frozen and canned vegetables and fruits are a quick and easy option that are just as healthy as their fresh version. 

4. Hydrate

Get yourself a good reusable water bottle that you can take with you throughout the day. Aim to finish a glass of water after every meal. Not only can water help you avoid overeating, it also supports healthy digestion, it can improve the appearance of your skin, and can even improve cognitive function. Set a goal to drink half of your body’s weight in ounces per day. 

5. Include fiber

An easy way to make your meals and snacks healthier is by including fiber. Fiber helps you feel fuller by slowing digestion, it also supports healthy cholesterol levels, balances blood sugar levels, and supports healthy digestion. Some high fiber foods include whole grains like oatmeal or whole wheat bread, chia seeds, avocado, and beans. 

6. Focus on portion sizes 

You can eat the right foods but if your portion sizes are too big, this can lead to overeating and weight gain. A simple shift is to focus on appropriate portion sizes. When you put together your meals, aim to fill half of your plate with fruits and/or vegetables, a quarter of your plate with protein (about the size of the palm of your hand), and a quarter of your plate grains (about the size of your fist). Measure out and pre-portion snacks like nuts or chips that are easy to overeat.  

7. Toss the junk 

If you have a pantry full of ultra processed snacks and treats, it will be difficult to avoid these foods when you have a craving or if you’re in a rush and you need to grab something quickly. Do a quick pantry clean-up by getting rid of (or hiding) tempting foods. Stock up on pre-portioned grab-and-go snacks like nuts, fruit, yogurt, and healthy snack bars. 

8. Swap high calorie beverages 

You may be surprised how many calories come from certain beverages. This is a simple and easy way to eliminate extra sugar and calories by swapping out sugar-sweetened beverages for things like sparkling water, tea, or water with added fruit. 

9. Slow down

Mindful eating is a simple practice to help you slow down and enjoy your food and may help you avoid overeating. Mindful eating helps you focus on the experience of the meal, and really enjoy the food you’re eating, which can help you feel satiated on less food. 

10. Focus on 80/20

Lastly, don’t beat yourself up when you enjoy a treat here or there. Enjoy those special occasion treats in moderation and try to maintain an overall healthy diet the majority of the time. 

The key to successfully establishing healthy eating habits that last is to focus on realistic and sustainable goals. Instead of overhauling your whole diet or eliminating whole food groups, focus on small shifts that can quickly turn into healthy routines. 

Nutrition Meal Prep


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