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Avoid These 6 Worst Foods for Your Heart Health

Learn how to read food labels so you can be informed on what to avoid.

6 Mistakes That Jeopardize Your Consistent Workout Routine

These common culprits might be preventing you from committing to your exercise routine.

Here’s What Your Energy Slump Is Trying to Tell You

The time you feel drained says something about your health.

6 Myths About Fitness After 50 You Need to Forget

Rest assured, you can absolutely get in the best shape of your life post-50.

6 Health Industry Trends You Should Avoid This Year—and Always

Some fads are better left in the past.

Here’s What You Need to Know About Perimenopause

Everything you wanted to know about menopause’s younger sister.

Here’s How Air Pollution Really Impacts Your Health

Choose your outdoor exercise spots wisely.

6 Best Ways to Track Strength Training Progress

Enlist the help of these trainer-approved tools for tracking your strength training progress.

How Strength Training Impacts Your Posture

Utilize strength-training exercises to enhance your overall posture.

What Is Mindful Running and How Can I Tap Into It?

Here’s how to utilize this running technique and unlock all of its benefits on and off of the track.

The 5 Best Stretches to Promote Digestion

As it turns out, stretching isn’t just for the gym—it can be utilized to help you digest your food on a daily basis.

Don’t Fall for These 5 Myths About the Flu

We debunked some popular myths about the flu so that you can keep yourself healthy this winter season.


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