For many, the holiday season is a whirlwind of joy, family gatherings, indulgent meals and a break from the usual grind. More people take work off in December than any other month due to the concentration of Christmas and New Year’s Day, which leads to a drop in overall productivity and focus on work. So, naturally, as the decorations come down and the reality of a new work year sets in, many of us find ourselves grappling with what’s known as the “post-holiday blues.”
Have you ever felt a lingering sense of sadness or sluggishness once the holidays have come and gone? That’s the post-holiday blues. It’s totally normal—you’re basically just adjusting from all the fun and relaxation back to reality—but it can be quite hard to deal with amidst the freezing temps and lacklusterness of January. “The post holiday blues don’t necessarily mean you have depression, but rather that you’ve been focusing so much ahead of you and once it’s in the rearview mirror that you’re not really sure where to focus your energy next,” explains Jennifer Teplin, L.C.S.W, Manhattan Wellness’s founder and clinical director at Manhattan Wellness.
Why Do We Feel This Way?
Some of the most common feelings people experience after the holiday season ends are disappointment, confusion, a lack of direction and anxiety, according to Teplin. “Once the holidays pass and it’s time to return to work with no carrot of excitement dangling in front of us, we’re often left feeling a bit flat and concerned that we don’t have as much joy in our life,” she says. “I also think the holidays enable us to let go of the pressures of work and once the holidays have passed all of the work, stress, concerns and responsibilities quickly return with no clear end in sight.”
The Role of Stress and Burnout
Another factor that can often contribute to the post-holiday blues is stress or burnout. While the holidays can be fun and festive, for many there is added stress of complicated family dynamics, increased expenses, and hectic travel, explains Lianna Nielsen, an integrative nutrition health coach. “These stressors, combined with less sleep and more indulgences like alcohol and sugar, can leave people feeling even more exhausted and depressed (as alcohol is a depressant and excess sugar can make it hard to regulate your emotions),” she says.
How to Overcome the Post-Holiday Blues
The good news: You’re not alone in your experience with the post-holiday blues and there are a myriad of effective tips to help you overcome a slump at work. From setting realistic goals to incorporating small joys into your daily routine, these expert-approved strategies can help you transition smoothly and boost your motivation.
1. Create micro-moments of joy
If you’re missing the holiday cheer, find ways to bring little bits of that joy into your daily routine. Listen to your favorite playlist while you work, treat yourself to a special coffee or plan lunch with a coworker you enjoy spending time with. These small, uplifting moments can break up the monotony and make your day more enjoyable, explains Kiara Luna , L.M.H.C., is owner of Knew You Psychotherapy and author of Becoming a Knew You. By creating these micro-moments, you’ll have more control over bringing joy into your everyday work life.
2. Plan things to look forward to
Make plans for future experiences you’re excited about, including potential time off. Having something to look forward to can make day-to-day responsibilities feel more manageable and help ease the post-holiday blues, notes Saba Harouni Lurie, L.M.F.T., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and owner and founder of Take Root Therapy in Los Angeles. Whether it’s planning a trip, scheduling a fun weekend activity, or even setting aside time for a restful staycation, knowing there’s a break or enjoyable event ahead can lift your spirits.
3. Be mindful of your alcohol intake
Cutting down on drinking after the holidays is a smart move because it can significantly boost your productivity at work. Alcohol can also affect sleep quality, notes Nielsen, leaving you feeling groggy and unfocused the next day. By reducing your intake, you can improve your energy levels, enhance concentration and ensure you’re well-rested for your tasks. Additionally, cutting back on alcohol helps maintain better hydration and mood stability, which are essential for staying sharp and efficient in your work routine.
4. Move your body
After the holidays, incorporating more movement and exercise into your routine can greatly enhance your productivity at work. Exercise boosts endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress, helping you stay positive and focused throughout the day. It also increases energy levels, combats post-holiday sluggishness and enhances mental clarity, allowing you to tackle tasks more efficiently. “While your gym routine may be disrupted, simply going for walks daily can help with sleep, mood and keeping your blood sugar balanced after a heavy or particularly indulgent meal,” says Nielsen.
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5. Learn how to say “no”
With so many commitments involved in the holiday season, you can get used to saying “yes” too often. But there’s something exceptionally powerful in being able to say “no.” Take a few moments throughout the day to check in with yourself, suggests Nielsen. Ask yourself what you need more of—rest, alone time, a healthy meal? And what could you do with less of? “The more we can take time to connect to our physical, mental and emotional needs, the easier it is for us to get them met,” she says. “When we strive to voice our needs and get them met, we can prevent burnout and enjoy life more.”
6. Manage your expectations
The holidays are often portrayed as this idyllic time of year, full of love and happiness, but the truth is, it doesn’t always live up to the hype. “While it’s wonderful to go into any situation with positive expectations, know that, as with all of life, there are going to be good and bad moments,” says Nielsen. “The more we can focus on the good and feel grateful for it, while understanding that disappointments are inevitable and avoid dwelling on them, the more enjoyable this time of year can be.”