Fitness / Outdoor Running

Aaptiv 101: Outdoor Running

Why we love outdoor running and how to start.

Running outdoors is calming, happiness-inducing, and it’ll get you on the road to a fitter lifestyle. And there’s a lot to be said for the variety you get when we take your workout outside – especially with Aaptiv’s workout classes.

One study showed that just five minutes of outdoor exercise can improve your mood and self-esteem, and time spent in nature even has positive effects on memory retention.

Plus, you get a necessary hit of vitamin D! And running outside can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, since you’ve got the extra challenge of a varied terrain and wind resistance.

But if you and your treadmill have been going steady, running outside will mean a few adjustments. We asked the Aaptiv trainers for tips on a pain-free transition.

Ready to head outside? Check out Aaptiv workouts for running outdoors at every level. So, plug in those earphones and hit the open road.

Fitness Outdoor Running


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